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Thursday 1 December 2016

58th Annual Conference of the South African Statistical Association
28th November to 1st December 2016 University of Cape Town

8:40 - 10:20
Clinical trials and complex surveys
Chair: Robert Schall
Chair: Ian Durbach
Club house
Chair: Gina Joubert
Official statistics
Chair: Tertius de Wet
Chen: Statistical Assurance in Clinical Trial Data
Muller: Discrepancies in the chi-square test and odds ratio confidence interval when analysing 2x2 tables
Kaombe, Manda: A review of influence measures in generalised linear mixed models
Neethling, Luus, de Wet: The Effectiveness of Weighting and Bootstrap in the Estimation of Model parameters under Complex Sampling
Oosthuizen, Neethling: Analysis of complex sample survey data with various software packages
Bere: On the possibility of using chi-plots and Kendall plots for revealing the presence of Gaussian mixture components in bivariate data
Watson, Durbach, Stewart, Hendricks: Team key performance indicators in rugby union: A validation study
Lombard, Smuts, Faber: Modelling Growth in a Randomised Controlled Trial
Janse van Rensburg: Big Data opportunities and challenges in South African health sector
Kleyn, Arashi, Bekker, Millard: Preliminary testing of the Cobb-Douglas production function and related inferential issues
Maremba: Methods of analysing complex sample survey data: Importance of taking sample design into account
Lima, Mwambi, Achia: Spatial hierachical modeling of malaria in Angola
Nhapi, Little, Kassanjee, Ward, Wessels: A GLMM analysis of data from the Sinovuyo Caring Families Program (SCFP)
Holloway, Dudeni-Tlhone: Statistical clustering of voting behaviour for election prediction
Stewart: Limitations to Probability Modelling in Strategic Decision Analysis and an Alternative Approach
10:20 - 10:50
Greenacre: At least 13 ways to define correspondence analysis
10:50 - 12:30
Mentoring workshop for NRF/SASA bursary holders
Kei Chair: Paul Mostert
Tea / Coffee
Process control
Chair: Albert Mijburgh
Club house
Energy, Economics and Forecasting
Chair: Igor Litvine
Chair: Stefan Britz
Chair: Birgit Eri
Multivariate Data Analysis
Chair: Sugnet Lubbe
Malela-Majika, Rapoo: Improved modified synthetic and runs-rules control charts combined with a Shewart Mann-Whitney chart
Bismans, Gnimassoun: Estimation of a demand electricity function for France
de Villiers: Leveraging the SAS Global Academic Program
Moloi, Matlebjane, Maluleke, Kifle: Survival Analysis of Age Differences at Marriage and Time-to-Divorce in South Africa
le Roux, Bakk: Biplot-based visualizations of latent class models
Malela-Majika, Chakraborti, Graham: A comparison of the minimum and the precedenece chats
Litvine: Generalised Hurst Exponent
Diriba, Swanepoel: Improving the entrolment strategy in the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences through an inquiry into the throughput rates of diverse enrolment and transfer streams
Karangwa, Blignaut: Using survival analysis to model the woman's waiting time to first birth after marriage in Rwanda
Papavarnavas, Fabris-Rotelli: Image denoising by principal component analysis using the Discrete Pulse Transform
Contardo-Berning, Beukman, Ward: Statistical Process Control and the enhancement of water quality in the Western Cape
Kapp, Litvine, Biesmans: Dating Financial Cycles - a Comparison of New and Existing Techniques
Naude: Mind the Gap: Are students prepared for higher education?
Kifle, Tsegaye: Survival Analysis of Under-Five Twins Mortality in Ethiopia using Semi-parametric Bivariate Frialty Models
Bierman, Steel: A multivariate regression approach to multi-label classification
Muller, van den Heuvel, Stroomberg, Buydens, Jansen: Water quality of the river Rhine: Multivariate process monitoring with multi-block regression methods
Maxime: How hydrogen can enhance wind power competitiveness? A case study in Lorraine (France)
van der Merwe, Mokhele: The Association of Statistics Anxiety, Attitude Toward Statistics and Mathematical Self-Concept with Performance in a Business Statistics Class
Lewis, Grobler, Kharsany, Cawood: Factors associated with home-based HIV counselling and testing in men in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Pretorius, Bierman, Steel: A Bias-Variance Analysis of Ensamble Learning Classifiers
Lindner, Auret: Application of Causal Analysis for Fault Diagnosis in Mineral Processes
Ehlers, Crafford, van Staden: Multilevel analysis of Grade 5 reading literacy
Singini: Diagnostics for joint models for longitudinal and survival data
Yilmaz, Aktas: Latent class models approach to the rater agreement
Tea / Coffee
15:00 - 15:20
Multivariate Data Analysis
Chair: Niël le Roux
Mostert, Coetzer, Lubbe: Evaluation of fault diagnosis techniques in multivariate statistical process control
Nienkemper-Swanepoel, le Roux, Lubbe: Multidimensional graphical comparisons of imputation methods for missing values in categorical data sets
Tati: Addressing the deficits in urban statistics across Africa: challenges and opportunities with the 2010 and 2020 Population and housing census rounds for monitoring the SDG's urban core (Goal 11)
Poswayo, Litvine: Subjective Measurements of Persistence of Time Series
12:30 - 13:30
13:50 - 14:30
Congo Chair: Francesca Little
14:30 - 15:00
Congo Chair: Danie Uys / Francesca Little
Prizes for competitions
15:20 - 18:00
Trevor Hastie: Statistical Learning with Big Data
13:30 - 13:50
Congo Chair: Danie Uys
Loyiso Nongxa: Report back on the submission to Department of Higher Education and Training
Luus, Neethling, de Wet: Simulating Complex Sampling Data for the evaluation of Survey Weighted Linear Models
Hlatshwayo, Chifura, Chinhamu: Modelling Extreme Events for BRICS Exchange Rates
Muhinda, Pazvakawambwa: An evaluation of HIV Testing among women in the reproductive age-group in Namibia
9:00 start
Matlawa: Is There Hope for Survivalists? Success in Running a NON-VAT Registered Business in South Africa
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