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Tuesday 29 November 2016

58th Annual Conference of the South African Statistical Association
28th November to 1st December 2016 University of Cape Town

Tea / Coffee
Conference registration
11:20 - 13:00
10:30 - 11:10
10:00 - 10:30
08:45 - 10:00
08:00 - 08:45
Congo Chair: Francesca Little / Danie Uys
Welcoming & Opening
Presidential address
Congo Chair: James Allison
Club house
Theoretical statistics
Chair: Andriëtte Bekker
Chair: Freedom Gumedze
Chair: Jordache Ramjith
Ecological statistics
Chair: Res Altwegg
Huang, North, Zewotir: Sampling variance of a multi-phase stratified design on partially exchangeable sequences
Kassanjee, McWalter, Welte: A genera biomarker-based incidence estimator for HIV
de Vries: Multivariate Dose-Response Profiling
Clark, Altwegg, Ormerod: A Variational Bayes approach to the analysis of spatial site-occupancy models
Durbach, Wolff-Piggott: Differentiating fish stocks using image classification
Lacerda, Murrell: A Population Genetics Approach to Inferring Selection from Longitudinally-Sampled HIV-1 Haplotypes
Reddy, Molenberghs, Aerts, Njagi: Prediction of the time to reach a biomarker threshold from complex longitudinal data
Minkah, de Wet, Doku-Amposah, Nortey: Comparison of Confidence Interval Estimators: An Index Approach
Steyn: Statistical Modelling with Quantile-based Methods and L-moments
Lesosky, Myer: Semi-parametric mixture models for skewed longitudinal HIV viral load trajectories with rebound
Sadiq, Lacerda, Murrell: Assessing the robustness of phylogenetic models to changes in selection pressures over time: A simulation study
Haines: Maximum Likelihood: A Problem in Ecology
Wolff-Piggott: Phylogeographic General Linear Models for the Evaluation of Epidemiological Predictors
Yende-Zuma, Vansteelandt, Mwambi: Adjusting the effect of integrating antriretroviral therapy and tuberculosis treatment on mortality for non-compliance: an instrumental variables analysis
Buitendag: The Saddle-point Approximation and its Applications to the Hill Estimator
Glass, Myer, Hsiao, Lesosky: Latent class mixed models for classification of HIV viral load profiles in the Western Cape public sector antiretroviral treatment programme: 2009 - 2015
Muller, Tolver: Wavelet-based Functional Mixed Models applied in Metabolomics
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:30
Congo Chair: Paul Mostert
14:40 - 15:40
15:40 - 16:00
Tea / Coffee
16:00 - 17:40
Ecological statistics
Chair: Allan Clark
Biometry and Experimental design
Chair: Mzabalazo Ngwenya
Chair: Maia Lesosky
Club house
Theoretical statistics
Chair: Chun-Kai Huang
Time series
Chair: Vince Micali
Altwegg, Peron, Broms, Bled, Nichols: Occupancy models for species range dynamics
Calitz: Misconceptions of independent replications in agricultural experiments and the alternative application thereof
Gumedze: Variance component estimation in linear mixed models using data augmentation
Bilankulu, Marques, Bekker: Product of independent generalized gamma distributions
Lee, Meintanis, Pretorius: Fourier-type monitoring procedures for strict stationarity
Karenyi: Testing the untility of marine habitat types as surrogates for macro-infaunal biodiversity
van der Rijst, Naes, Muller: Multivariate characterization: multivariable vs multi-block methods in DSA
Ramjith, Myer, Zar, Little: An application and comparison of the Fine & Gray competing risks regression model and the Wei, Lin & Weissfeld marginal model to model time to first episode of childhood pneumonia, severe versus non-severe: The Drakenstein child health study
Ferreira, Bekker, Arashi, Visagie: New bivariate gamma types with MIMO application
Gil-Alana, Fagbamigbe, Yaya: Time Series Analysis of Quarterly Rainfall and Temperature (1900-2012) in sub-Saharan African Countries with implications for Global Warming
Erni: Dynamic Factor Analysis for Ecological Time Series
Lalbahadur: Forecasting Hail Damage for Crop Insurance
Swanepoel, Janssen, Veraverbeke: Smooth copula-based estimation of the conditional density function and the conditional hazard rate function
Janse van Rensburg, Sharp: GAS models of financial time series
Distiller, Borchers: The benefits of using a continuous-time framework for spatial capture-recapture (SCR) models
Gemechu, Debusho, Haines: Algorithmic Construction of Optimal Block Designs for Two-Colour cDNA Microarray Experiments Using the Linear Mixed Effects Model
Ndlela, Lougue: Baysian data augmentation for mdeling cancer drug intake in SA
Iiyambo, Shcall: Fiducial inference for location-scale and log-location-scale families of distributions: Application to the Weibull distribution two-sample problem
Goodall, O'Connor: Use of mixture models for assessing the size structure of long-lived plants in a temporally varying environment
Turfan, Yilmaz, Aktas: Multi-criteria decision making in Taguchi orthogonal designs
Aluko, Mwambi: Three Different Enhancements of the Generalised Estimating Equations Method in Handling Incomplete Longitudinal Binary Outcome
de Waal, Visagie, Makgai, Bekker: Bivariate beta-generated distributions with illustrations
Young statisticians burger evening and Pub quiz
18:00 - 22:00
Marie Hušková: Some recent results in change point analysis
Borchers: Wildlife survey models: thinned spatial point processes with unknown thinning probabilities
Yigit Karabag: Data Scientist: The Alter Ego of The Statistician
Visagie: On the use of numerical optimisation procedures in parameter estimation
Congo Chair: James Allison
14:30 - 14:40
SASA/NRF committee
Fagbamigbe: A survival analysis model for measuring association between bivariate censored outcomes: validation using mathematical simulation
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