Change of venue for SASA 2016 conference
The Local Organising Committee of the SASA 2016 conference is sad to have to announce that due to the current turmoil on most of our university campuses and the UCT campus in particular, we are no longer able to host the conference in the Kramer building on middle campus. We are very disappointed as we had looked forward to showing you our beautiful campus.
Luckily, we have managed to secure an alternative venue. Our conference will now be in the River Club, Liesbeek Parkway, Observatory. This should still be within close proximity to the accommodation that you may already have booked for the conference. You can visit their website that also includes a map with directions as to how to get there,
We look forward to welcoming you to Cape Town, if not UCT, towards the end of November.

The University of Cape Town looks forward to welcoming the Statistics community, including people from academia and industry, to Cape Town for the SASA 2016 conference. The venue will be the River Club, Cape Town. Our aim is to bring statisticians and other quantitative researchers from around the country and abroad together in Cape Town to share their research, to discuss emerging ideas and challenges in their respective fields and to showcase our collective achievements in the field of Statistics, Analytics and Data Science.
Kindly note that the deadline for full paper submission to the proceedings has been extended to 8 September 2016, while the deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 16 September 2016.
Program at a Glance:
Monday, 28th November: 9 am to 4 pm: Workshops
Monday 4 pm to 7 pm: Registration and Welcoming function
Tuesday, 29th November to Thursday, 1st December: Main Conference
Tuesday evening: Burger Braai and Pub Quiz for Young Statisticians and the “Young at heart” at the River club.
Wednesday evening: Conference Dinner at Moyo Restaurant in Kirstenbosch Gardens, preceded by early evening walk through gardens.
Friday, 2nd December: Why not take a tour to one of the many scenic places in Cape Town and surrounding area before going home.