SASA 20216 Workshop 3
Monday 28 November, 9am to 12:30pm
The third edition of Michael Greenacre’s book Correspondence Analysis in Practice will appear in 2016, published by Chapman & Hall. In this course he will present some of the new material in the book, such as the use of fuzzy coding, the treatment of missing data, contribution biplots, relationship to compositional data analysis, the analysis of matched matrices, and permutation testing. The accent is on the practical utility of these new aspects, and many illustrations will be given as well as a brief introduction to correspondence analysis. Many parts of his presentation will use dynamic graphics to illustrate the concepts and facilitate participants' understanding of the methods.

Professor Michael Greenacre
Professor in the Department of Economics and Business
Pompeu Fabra University
Barcelona, Spain
Michael Greenacre teaches data visualization in the Master of Data Science at the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. He is also part-time collaborator as senior scientist at the marine research company Akvaplan-niva, in Tromsø, Norway, as well as annual course leader at the Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics, University of Tromsø. He specializes in multivariate statistics and is the author of several publications on correspondence analysis, multivariate analysis and data visualization. See the website for downloads of some of his recent open-access books, notably Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data and Biplots in Practice.