SASA 20216 Workshop 5
Using SAS Analytics in Anger
Monday 28 November, 9:00am to 4:30pm
This workshop addresses various aspects of utilizing SAS Analytics in real-world scenarios. Attendees will receive insights into the modern application of Statistics in industry, including:
• Open Source integration
• Point & Click Statistics
• Data Visualization
• In-memory Statistics
• Analytics Lifecycle

André Zitzke
Senior Business Solutions Manager: Analytics
During his tenure at SAS, more than 21 years, André has been responsible for various SAS offerings including computer performance management, ETLq, business intelligence, customer intelligence, e-intelligence and risk products. He also spent some time in SAS Institute South Africa’s Professional Services division.
As Analytics solutions manager, André’s role includes product management and sales support in the areas of data mining, text analytics and energy forecasting. He is also the technical liaison for the Academic Program.
André holds a BSc Honours (Mathematical Statistics) from The University of the Free State.
About SAS
Incorporated in 1976, SAS is the world’s largest independent business analytics company with consistent revenue growth and profitability since it was founded more than 40 years ago. As the world’s largest privately-held software company, SAS represents a level of stability, reliability, flexibility and functionality well beyond many of our competitors.
SAS is the only vendor that completely integrates leading data warehousing, analytics, and traditional BI applications to create intelligence from massive amounts of data. For more than 40 years, SAS has been giving customers around the world THE POWER TO KNOW®.