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Invited Guests

Official Guest Speakers

Professor Marie Hušková

Marie Hušková has been working in the Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics of the Charles University in Prague since 1964 and got her professorship there in 1997. She is interested in rank statistics, adaptation, robustness, and change-point problems. She is the author of more than 130 scientific papers. She has an outstanding service as an editor and organizer of several International conferences. She is a member of the ISI, the Bernoulli Society, American Statistical Association and a fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

Professor Anestis Antoniadis

Anestis Antoniadis is an emeritus professor at the Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble and an honorary research associate at the University of Cape Town. His research interests include abstract inference for stochastic processes, nonlinear regression, nonparametric curve estimation, survival analysis and point processes, wavelets and their applications. On the applied side, he has worked on meteorology, climatology, crystallography, quality control, petrol products, air-pollution studies and micro-array data. He is a fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and the American Statistical Association, an elected member of the International Statistical Institute, and honorary member of the French Statistical Society. He was the Laplace Lecturer in the 8th World Congress in Probability and Statistics in 2012. He has been editor or associate editor of numerous journals.

Professor Trevor Hastie

Trevor Hastie has been a professor in the Statistics and Biostatistics Departments since 1994. He is founder and co-director of the Statistics department's industrial affiliates program.  He has coauthored six books, among them the best-selling "Elements of Statistical Learning".  He was awarded the Technometrics Ziegel award (dated 2014) for his book “An Introduction to Statistical Learning”, as well as the 2014 Parzen prize for statistical innovation.

His research interests include semi-parametric regression models, computer intensive data analysis techniques, statistical computing and  consulting. He is currently working on adaptive modelling and prediction procedures, signal and image modelling, and problems in bioinformatics with many more variables than observations. He is an elected fellow/member of SASA, RSS, ASA, IMS and ISI.

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Plenary: Statistical Learning with Big Data

Invited Speakers for Special Sessions

Professor David Borchers

Professor of Statistics, School of Mathematics and Statistics and Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling, University of St Andrews. His research interests are focused on developing methods (and software) in ecological statistics.

Professor Michael Greenacre

Michael Greenacre teaches data visualization in the Master of Data Science at the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics.  He is also part-time collaborator as senior scientist at the marine research company Akvaplan-niva, in Tromsø, Norway, as well as annual course leader at the Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics, University of Tromsø. He specializes in multivariate statistics and is the author of several publications on correspondence analysis, multivariate analysis and data visualization. See the website for downloads of some of his recent open-access books, notably Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data and Biplots in Practice.

Professor Bruce Bassett

Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cape Town, Head of Cosmology at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in South Africa and Research Cosmologist at the South African Astronomical Observatory. He specializes in Theoretical and Observational Cosmology, general relativity and heuristic optimisation and astronomical statistics.

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Wildlife Survey Models: Thinned spatial point processes with unknown thinning probabilities
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